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OzHarvest in Hornsby

Matt Kean MP delivers with OzHarvest

An average of almost 300kg of food per person is wasted every year in Australia.
OzHarvest, Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, is helping to reduce food waste and rescues more than 500kg from Hornsby supermarkets each week. T

he local OzHarvest van collects food and drops off hampers to local charities. Last week, OzHarvest was joined by Matt Kean MP.

JPs honoured for 50 years of service

Matt Kean MP celebrates Hornsby JPs

Member for Hornsby Matt Kean MP today congratulated Hornsby JPs Tony Bray, Patricia Newth, Margaret Lewis and Ray Galbraith for 50 years of service to the community as a Justice of the Peace.

“Tony, Patricia, Margaret and Ray are some of the longest-serving JPs in the state, and have donated countless hours to helping local people,” Mr Kean said.

“Just about everyone needs a JP at some point in their life - such as when they buy a house or access their superannuation – and I know these three have always been happy to lend a hand.”

Ride a day in my wheels

Ride a day in my wheels

Ride a Day in My Wheels is a fundraising challenge held in Hornsby Shopping Mall every year.

On 9th December this year, Ride a Day saw non-wheelchair riders test their skills, navigating a wheelchair through a circuit of ‘obstacles’, similar to tasks faced by wheelchair users every day. This helps members of the non-wheelchair using general public to understand and experience what people with all types of disability have to do on a daily basis.

Hornsby locals to get My Place advice at their place

NSW Fair Trading’s My Place roadshow is coming to Hornsby

NSW Fair Trading’s My Place roadshow will help educate local consumers, traders, licensees, landlords, and residents when the program visits Hornsby next week. 

Launched in 2003 as the Regional Access Program, My Place helps consumers understand their rights while simultaneously ensuring businesses are aware of their responsibilities as traders. 

Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation and Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean, said the program would include an information session for Woniora Retirement Village residents to help raise awareness of costly scams.

Meals on Wheels 55th Birthday

Mr MATT KEAN ( Hornsby ) ( 13:11 ): I am not alone when I say that many of our community organisations would not be the same without volunteers. In 2016 Meals on Wheels in Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai celebrated its fifty-fifth birthday. Meals on Wheels cooks and delivers hot meals to housebound residents across the North Shore. However, its work does not stop there. It reaches out and makes a difference to the days of hundreds of Australians by providing bright and friendly smiles and conversations with every nutritious meal.
