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Tribute to Grey Wolf Award Recipient Alyssa Eden

11 April 2018

Mr MATT KEAN (Hornsby—Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation) (13:46): I am very excited today to congratulate an amazing Cub Scout, Alyssa Eden, on being awarded the prestigious Grey Wolf Award. The Grey Wolf Award is the highest award a Cub Scout can achieve. Cub Scouts must complete a number of tasks in order to receive the award, including leading a hike, organising inter-pack activities, participating in an overnight camp, and obtaining certain levels of badges. Alyssa ran a hike from the Sphinx Memorial to Bobbin Head on 23 December. Even though it was a very busy time of the year, Alyssa made sure she was able to successfully complete the hike accompanied by five Cubs and two leaders. Alyssa has been a very active member in her 1st Hornsby Heights Wombat Pack. She has partaken in every single camp with the pack and has worked hard to achieve all of the requirements of the award. Alyssa is a truly deserving recipient. She comes from an amazing family and I have no doubt that she will do exceptional things for our community and our country.