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Hornsby Hospital Receives New Interns

State Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean MP, today welcomed 20 new Doctor interns to Hornsby Hospital.The interns, who started work last week, make up the record 925 interns who will contribute to the state's hospital network.

Mr Kean said that the graduates allocated to Hornsby hospital were a boost for patients, clinicians and the community.

"Hornsby is a great place to live, work and raise a family, and there's nowhere I'd rather be if I was a medical intern," Mr Kean said

Mr Kean said that the interns, who recently graduated from university, will gain invaluable experience that will benefit patients.

"This is an exciting time for both the interns and Hornsby Hospital", Mr Kean said.

"During their placements, the 20 new interns will enhance their clinical expertise, which will in turn benefit the patients and the hospital's quality of care".

Interns will gain broad experience during their year-long placement, rotating through metropolitan, outer metropolitan or rural hospitals, as well as GP practices. They will complete compulsory terms in the fields of medicine, surgery and emergency.

"This is an exciting day in the life of every young doctor," Mr Kean told medical graduates at Hornsby Hospital.

You have graduated from your university studies and are now embarking on a challenging new journey, in which you will build clinical expertise. I wish you well."

"I am proud of NSW's investment in training interns, ensuring they become doctors who can deliver the highest quality care to the people in our community," Mr Kean said.

According the NSW Health Minister, the Hon. Jillian Skinner MP, demand for intern places continues to grow, with this year's intake of 925 being an increase of almost 80 from 2012.

On 22 February, NSW will host a National Medical Intern Summit in Sydney, bringing together Commonwealth, state and territory health ministers, medical deans from universities and representatives of peak medical bodies to explore options to increase the number of internships across both the public and private health sectors.