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Senior Iranians Women’s Association

Pennant Hills residents are invited to join in celebrations for Persian New Year on March 24 at  Pennant Hills Baptist Church.


The event will coincide with NSW Seniors Week (March 14-22) and local Harmony Day celebrations which fall on March 21.

Leading the Persian New Year celebrations will be the Pennant Hills-based Senior Iranian Women's Association.

The Association is the central meeting spot for senior migrant Iranian women across Sydney and has grown to 50 members.

To support association's integration efforts the NSW Government has committed $2000 in Senior Week funding to assist the group in staging this year's Persian New Year event.

Hornsby MP and Parliamentary Secretary for Communities, Matt Kean, was on hand to deliver the good news to the Senior Iranian Association members on Tuesday.

"Multicultural events like this are a great way for the community to come together and celebrate what makes us so special and unique," Mr Kean said.

"I'm proud to support the Senior Iranian Women's Association who do a lot of great work in reaching out to new migrants and helping them connect with the wider community.

"Moving to a new country with a different culture can often be a daunting process for newly-arrived non-English speaking migrants. It's great to see the Iranian expat community coming together like this to help others adjusting to a new life in Australia."