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Tribute to James Reid

Mr MATT KEAN ( Hornsby—Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation) (13:29:57): When we think of heroes, they are often characterised by supernatural powers. However, today I recognise Hornsby's own hero James Reid, who showed remarkable bravery and selflessness in the face of danger. Last year on 18 August James Reid, aged 70, was the first to arrive on the scene of an accident when a car hit a tree close to Waitara Public School near his house. The crash caused a slight fire under the car, and Mr Reid moved quickly to remove the children from the back seat. After realising that the driver was trapped in the front seat due to the nature of the collision, James Reid moved to put out the fire with his garden hose while waiting for help to arrive.

A number of other community members ran in to assist Mr Reid including some construction workers, demonstrating the incredibly helpful and considerate spirit of the Hornsby community. After getting the small fire under control, Mr Reid went on to try to direct traffic at the busy corner. In mid-March Mr Reid received a Commissioner's Commendation for Bravery for his heroic efforts following the accident. I thank Mr Reid for his incredible actions, for saving the passengers and for directing traffic to avoid other dangerous incidents occurring. Mr Reid is certainly more than deserving of this commendation; he is a true local hero. I commend him for his outstanding community service.

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