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Quarry starts to transform into park

Hornsby Quarry

MORE than 20 per cent of the spoil required to fill Hornsby Quarry has been transported from the NorthConnex project to create the “Centennial Park of the north’’.

Last week, Hornsby state Liberal MP Matt Kean, Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher, Berowra federal Liberal MP Julian Leeser and Hornsby Mayor Philip Ruddock visited the site to witness the beginning of Hornsby Park take place.

Mr Fletcher said that up to one million cubic metres of spoil from the $3 billion NorthConnex project would be used to create Hornsby Park. “Since 2002 the area has been mainly used by mountain bikers and bushwalkers but this partnership between council and NorthConnex will help transform the area into a future recreational space which will benefit the entire region,” he said.

Mr Kean said the project would transform Hornsby Quarry into the Centennial Park of the north.

“Work will continue until next year, so I thank Hornsby residents for their patience and I’m excited to watch the quarry transform before our eyes,” Mr Kean said. Mr Leeser said the quarry was also home to Sydney’s largest volcanic diatreme and it was exciting to think the public would soon be able to safely access and view the significant geological formation.

“Hornsby Quarry is going to be an incredible recreation facility,’’ he said.

Article appeared in The Hornsby Advocate.