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Nurses join Hornsby Hospital

Nurses join Hornsby Hospital

Eight graduate nurses starting their careers caring for patients and their families at Hornsby Hospital have been welcomed by State Member for Hornsby Matt Kean.

"Nurses are the backbone of the public health system and I know these bright and hardworking graduates will make a welcome addition at the hospital," said Mr Kean.

Many of the graduates are reluming to the hospital having done training or worked at Hornsby in the past.

They are also locals including Emma Bridge from Berowra and Samantha Drea from Mt Colah.

Around the clock. 365 days a year, these nurses will join a team who ere on the frontline providing care to patients and support to their families.

"I wish all our new starters the best of luck with their careers and again welcome the invaluable contribution they make to our health system," Mr Kean said.

This year there is a record number of graduate nurses and midwives with an all-time high of 51.000 working in the NSW public health system.

"I hope you don't find yourself in Hornsby Hospital, but if you do you will be m good hands with these wonderful new nurses," said Mr Kean.

Article appeared in The Bush Telegraph.