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New sign lights up ABHS

Asquith Boys High School gets a new electronic sign

Asquith Boy High School has a new electronic sign to advertise the schools achievements and upcoming events.

Asquith Boys High School Deputy Principal Andrew Skehan and Principal Bryce Grant were joined by Matt Kean MP to check out the sign which is located on Peats Ferry Road.

Matt Kean said, “The P&C at Asquith Boys High puts on a number of events throughout the year and it is important they are able to advertise to the local community.”

The sign will also be used to celebrate the achievements of students and let parents know events within the school that are coming up.

The $20,000 building project was funded by Hornsby MP Matt Kean as part of the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnerships scheme.

Article appeared in The Bush Telegraph September 21st