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Local sports groups receive grants

Local sports grants for sporting groups

The Hornsby Swim Club will now be able to offer electronic timing, thanks to a grant from Member for Hornsby Matt Kean MR

The club was awarded $3,000 to purchase the Colorado timing systemwhich is currently being implemented into Friday meets.

"Hornsby Swim Club has been working hard to increase their membership and they can now offer electronic timing for all races, "Mr Kean said.

Also awarded a sports grant o f S1,880 was Hornsby Touch Football Association. They have used the funds to provide accreditation for a number ofcoaches and referees.

"Hornsby Touchis run by a great group of volunteers including a number of coaches and referees and it is fantastic they can now go out and getaccredited," Mr Kean said.

The Local Sports Grants provide essential funds to local clubs to help increase participation in sport and help to provide equipment for their members.

There are a number o f other clubs who have benefited from the Local Sports Grants including Hills District Netbali, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Basketball Association and Asquiih Soccer Club.

Article appeared in The Bush Telegraph