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Fine after death of apprentice

Fine after death of apprentice

A BANKSTOWN building contractor was fined $405,000 last Monday, after a 19-year-old apprentice died after being injured at work.

Co-Wyn Building Contractors Pty Ltd pleaded guilty in the Sydney District Court to failing to protect the health and safety of its workers.

NSW Better Regulation Minister Matt Kean said the court action came after Punchbowl carpentry apprentice Dylan Smith died after suffering a fall on June 30, 2015, while building a walkway platform at St Patricks College, Strathfield.

“This was the firsttime the second-year apprentice had undertaken this type of work, during which he had a fall when he was left without proper supervision,” Mr Kean said.

Despite undergoing surgery, Mr Smith died when he was taken off life support on July 5, Mr Kean said.

In sentencing, Judge Andrew Scotting said Mr Smith was vulnerable due to his lace of experience in the workplace and his death had a profound impact on his family.