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Foster man leads the charge against workplace injuries

22 November 2017

8 people have already died this year due to work related falls. Foster man Miles Loury fell on a construction site and is joining forces with the State Government to reduce accidents on construction sites.

Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Matt Kean MP said there will be a 12 month blitz on construction sites and on the spot fines for any business not protecting their workers.

NSW Government launches plan to protect workers from dangerous workplace chemicals

Minister Kean at SafeWork site in Thornleigh

The NSW Government today launched a five-year project to help protect workers against injuries and diseases from dangerous chemicals in the workplace.

Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean said crystalline silica and formaldehyde have been given top priority by the government as those of greatest risk to NSW workers.

“Every worker across this state has the right to a safe and healthy workplace, especially those who work with hazardous chemicals on a daily basis,” he said.
