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Tribute to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai District Tennis Association

13 March 2018

Mr MATT KEAN (Hornsby—Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation) (13:22): Today I acknowledge local sporting group Hornsby Kuring-gai District Tennis Association. The Hornsby Kuring-gai District Tennis Association is well known in Hornsby for its competitions, coaching, court hire and other fantastic social events. The association not only passes on a love of tennis to our community but also gives back by holding an annual 24-hour Festival of Tennis fundraiser. This year more than $2,000 was raised for Hornsby hospital and the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter. I thank the association for its continuing support of local charities in our community. The wonderful Mai Donnelly first started the idea of a Festival of Tennis many years ago. I thank Mai for all she has done for our community. I also thank the committee of the Hornsby Kuring-gai District Tennis Association, especially President Marc Donnelly, Eddy Watson, Robyn Flood and Tristan Conybeare. I thank them for everything they do. They are all "aces" in my book.