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Tribute to Dr Richard Mason

16 May 2018

Mr MATT KEAN (Hornsby—Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation) (13:30): Today I especially mention Dr Richard Mason, who, as a dedicated doctor, has been serving the people of Hornsby for half a century. He first started at the Hornsby Family Practice after graduating in 1956. It did not take him long to become a well-loved member of that practice by both patients and staff. In 1970 he bought into the practice and has stayed there ever since. Staff and patients alike have praised Dr Mason for his dedication to the clinic. He is also passionate about other areas of life, having served as the President of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia.

Despite coming from a long line of teachers and wanting to be an architect when he was younger, he was glad he became a doctor. He says his patients have made him a better person. At the age of 86, and having seen thousands of patients, Dr Mason's retirement is truly deserved. He is a very humble and giving man. I wish him all the best in his retirement, although I know he will not slow down. He is the heart and soul of the Hornsby Conservation Society and does so much to protect what is best about our area, the bushland shire.