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Thierry Family Generosity

Mr MATT KEAN ( Hornsby ) ( 13:21 ): Today I speak about the Thierry family. In 2004 the Thierry family lost their son, Xavier, who was delivered prematurely at Hornsby Hospital. Despite their loss, Alison and Paul-Andre Thierry remember the wonderful support given to them by the staff and what it was like to lose Xavier. The desire to prevent this same tragedy occurring to anyone else is what motivated the Thierry family to donate a Vision for Life camera unit from the children's charity, Variety. Two of these Vision for Life cameras have been donated to Hornsby Hospital, one of them being from the Thierry family. These cameras are installed in the emergency and maternity departments, and can transmit pictures of extremely sick children to specialists. One of the benefits of the cameras is that the Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service [NETS] clinicians can be involved as a second pair of eyes, and it can be done remotely, allowing uninterrupted delivery of care. The collaboration between medical professionals with the use of the cameras allows invaluable support to the patient. On behalf of the Hornsby community, I thank the Thierry family for their generous donation in Xavier's memory. Their donation is priceless. I have no doubt that these machines will be critical in saving lives not just now, but well into the future.

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